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When: April 25, 2013

Day Pitney Sponsors the George W. Crawford Black Bar Association 2013 Annual Dinner

On April 25, 2013, Day Pitney was a diamond sponsor of the George W. Crawford Black Bar Association annual dinner in Hartford, Connecticut.

James T. Breedlove, Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary of Praxair, Inc., received the Trailblazer Award. William E. Strickland, Jr., President and CEO of Manchester Bidwell Corporation, received the Visionary Award. Two scholarships were awarded to law students from the University of Connecticut School of Law.

More than 200 guests attended the event, including Day Pitney attorneys Shawn Wooden, Namita Shah, Walter Menjivar, Director of Diversity Asker Saeed and numerous guests and clients of the firm.

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Press Contact

Elyse Blazey Gentile
Director of Communications


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