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Publisher: New York Times City Room Blog
February 9, 2010

Stanley Twardy Jr. in New York Times City Room Blog: "Councilman Seabrook Faces Fraud Charges"

Bronx City Councilman Larry Seabrook surrendered to authorities February 9 to face an indictment accusing him of money laundering, extortion and fraud that included helping an associate win a contract to install boilers in the new Yankee Stadium.

While the associate is not named in the indictment, several people involved with the matter said it was Leon Eastmond, whose company A. L. Eastmond & Sons, installed the boilers.

Stanley A. Twardy, Jr., a lawyer representing Mr. Eastmond with the firm of Day Pitney said that despite the higher bid, there were no allegations that the contract was improperly awarded.

"Nowhere in the indictment is it alleged that Mr. Eastmond didn't submit a qualified bid or provide a quality product," Mr. Twardy said.

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