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January 19, 2011

Day Pitney Represents Town of Mansfield, Connecticut, in Storrs Center Development Agreement

Day Pitney LLP is pleased to announce that it served as special legal counsel for the town of Mansfield, Connecticut, in its negotiations with Education Realty Trust, Inc. and Storrs Center Alliance, LLC on the development agreement for the initial phases of Storrs Center. On January 4, the Mansfield Town Council authorized the town manager's execution of the development agreement, which is the foundation for this public-private initiative.

Storrs Center is a mixed-use town center and main street corridor at the crossroads of the town of Mansfield and the University of Connecticut. Groundbreaking on the first phase of Storrs Center is expected to occur this spring. Under the development agreement, the town will construct a public parking garage and other public infrastructure improvements, utilizing approximately $23 million in state and federal funds. In the initial phases, the private developers will construct about 60,000-70,000 square feet of commercial space, approximately 260-290 residential units and associated infrastructure.

Several Day Pitney lawyers were involved in this transaction. They include Rosemary Ayers, who handled all real estate matters and led the negotiations surrounding the development agreement; Douglas Gillette, who dealt with municipal finance matters; and John Bashaw, who was responsible for environmental matters.

About Day Pitney
Day Pitney LLP is a full-service law firm with approximately 350 attorneys operating in offices in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Boston, and Washington, DC. The firm offers clients strong corporate and litigation practices, with experience on behalf of large national and international corporations, as well as emerging and middle market companies and individuals.

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Press Contact

Elyse Blazey Gentile
Director of Communications


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