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Publisher: Bloomberg
December 21, 2017

Mueller's Silence Cuts Through Noise of Trump Russia Inquiries

Stan Twardy was quoted in an article, "Mueller's Silence Cuts Through Noise of Trump Russia Inquiries," published by Bloomberg. The article focuses on the approach by special counsel Robert Mueller to not speak out publicly about the investigation of Russian interference during the most recent presidential campaign. In comparison to other prosecutors, such as Kenneth Star, Twardy told Bloomberg, "His approach is also different both legally and personally from that of Starr, who spoke publicly about his investigation into Bill Clinton," and noted that "The two investigations can't be readily compared, as Mueller's is more sweeping and international." Further, he commented, "The way Bob has been doing this is out of the prosecutor's rule book 101 as to how you handle an investigation. There is the court of public opinion, but the court he's playing in is the district court. And he's staying there."


Stanley A. Twardy, Jr.
Stanley A. Twardy, Jr.
Of Counsel
Stamford, CT
| (203) 977-7368

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