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October 28, 2018

Stan Twardy Elected to NAFUSA Board

Stan Twardy was elected to the Board of Directors of the National Association of Former United States Attorneys (NAFUSA) at its 39th annual conference on October 28. NAFUSA, founded in March 1979, was established to promote, defend and further the integrity and the preservation of the litigating authority and independence of the office of the United States Attorney as one of the principal instrumentalities through which the President of the United States carries out his constitutional obligation that the laws be faithfully executed. The association also provides a forum for education and continuing professional relationships which have been formed with the Department of Justice and for the exchange of information and professional referrals in the private practice.


Stanley A. Twardy, Jr.
Stanley A. Twardy, Jr.
Of Counsel
Stamford, CT
| (203) 977-7368

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Elyse Blazey Gentile
Director of Communications


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