Michael Furey and Kevin Duffy Win Dismissal of Malpractice Case Against a Major Law Firm
In a hotly contested case, Day Pitney attorneys Michael K. Furey and Kevin J. Duffy obtained a ruling by the court prior to trial dismissing malpractice and other claims asserted against a major New Jersey law firm and one its partners by a former client. The Court granted summary judgment holding that the plaintiff's claims were barred by the entire controversy doctrine. Furey and Duffy were assisted at various times in the litigation by Joseph Ritter, Alyssa Musmanno and Amberly Antebi.
Furey commented to the media that Day Pitney's clients are "pleased by the Court's decision and believe it was well reasoned and correct. They believed there never was any merit to [the claims] and that for various reasons, the claims failed as a matter of law. The Court's reliance on the entire controversy doctrine to dismiss the claims was appropriate."