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In the Media

September 2020

Renewable Energy in New England

Evan C. Reese III, Jared P. Ross and Paul N. Belval are participating in the Seventh Annual Two-Day New Developments Conference on Renewable Energy in New England, presented by Law Seminars International and held in Boston, MA. Reese is serving as co-chair of the program, which will address the strategies for adapting to legal, regulatory and business developments for achieving carbon reduction goals. Ross will be speaking on a panel, "Policy and Regulatory Developments for Electrification of Buildings and Transportation," focusing on local land use planning and building code initiatives to facilitate electrification of buildings and transportation. Belval's panel, "Putting the Pieces Together for Successful Project Development," will provide an overview of the components of a coherent overall strategy for renewable energy projects.

This event has been postponed to September 2020. For more information, click here.


Evan C. Reese III
Evan C. Reese III
Washington, D.C.
| (202) 218-3917
Jared P. Ross
Jared P. Ross
Boston, MA
| (617) 345-4787
Paul N. Belval
Paul N. Belval
Hartford, CT
| (860) 275-0381

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Press Contact

Elyse Blazey Gentile
Director of Communications


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