In the Media
What Attorneys Need to Know About New Sexual Harassment Law
Employment and Labor partner Daniel Schwartz was quoted in an article, "What Attorneys Need to Know About New Sexual Harassment Law," published by the Connecticut Law Tribune. The article focuses on a new Connecticut state law, known as the Time's Up Act, which takes effect on October 1 and requires all companies with three employees or more to provide sexual harassment training to all of their employees. Schwartz told the Connecticut Law Tribune that the Act is "only a starting point."
"Companies must have policies and training, but companies also have a responsibility to enforce their policies," said Schwartz, adding that the #MeToo movement played a role in the Nutmeg State adopting the new law. Noncompliance with the law could result in fines from the Commission on Human Rights & Opportunities of up to $1,000. According to Schwartz, a $1,000 civil penalty is a relatively small potential risk. He noted, "The bigger risk is if they are sued for sexual harassment, and the jury considers their failure to be in compliance with the law, that can be a factor in potentially assessing punitive damages."