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In the Media

Publisher: Hartford Business Journal
May 6, 2020

Chief Talent Officers Arm Law Firms for Battle Over Top-Performing Lawyers

The Hartford Business Journal featured Laurie Mallach in its article, "Chief Talent Officers Arm Law Firms for Battle Over Top-Performing Lawyers," which discusses the CTO position responsibilities, challenges and evolving scope.

Tom Goldberg, the Managing Partner, explained, "at the highest levels of a law firm, CTOs help focus strategy and coordinate the evolution necessary for success." Mallach noted that she sees her role as a coach in addition to a manager and was quoted, "the coaching piece has been quite important at all levels. You’re trying to help people work at their optimum potential."

Read the full article here.


Thomas D. Goldberg
Thomas D. Goldberg
Of Counsel
Stamford, CT
| (203) 977-7383
Laurie Mallach
Laurie Mallach
Chief Talent Officer
Stamford, CT
| (203) 977-7325

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Elyse Blazey Gentile
Director of Communications


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