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Publisher: Hartford Business Journal
September 23, 2020

Hartford law firms see spike in COVID-19-related business

Day Pitney Managing Partner Thomas Goldberg was quoted in Hartford Business Journal article, "Hartford law firms see spike in COVID-19-related business." The article discusses Hartford firms that are seeing an increase in industry areas affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Goldberg explained, "in addition to rising workloads in areas like bankruptcy and employment law, Day Pitney is seeing an uptick in real estate investor clients enlisting services … because the same financial upheaval leading some businesses to shutter could create opportunities for real estate investors." "We are optimistic that as the economy starts to recover - or as we start to come out of the pandemic – that we are going to see a rise in business activity in real estate," he expanded.

Goldberg also adds, "Day Pitney also has seen an increase in demand for services from clients seeking guidance about the CARES Act and loans through the U.S. Small Business Administration. As a result, the firm formed a five-executive COVID-19 taskforce to focus exclusively on those specific issues."

Read the full article here.


Thomas D. Goldberg
Thomas D. Goldberg
Of Counsel
Stamford, CT
| (203) 977-7383

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Elyse Blazey Gentile
Director of Communications


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