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Publisher: Connecticut Law Tribune
March 16, 2023

Connecticut Movers: Award for Twardy

Day Pitney Attorney Stanley Twardy's selection as the recipient of the 2023 Richard Law Award by the judges of the District of Connecticut was featured in the Connecticut Law Tribune article, "Connecticut Movers: Award for Twardy."

The Richard Law Award, which honors exemplary service to the federal court, was named for the first district judge appointed in the District of Connecticut and was first presented in 2018.

"It is a tremendous honor to be presented with the Richard Law Award, as I have devoted my legal career both in public service and in private practice, to the pursuit of justice," Twardy said. "I want to thank the Connecticut District judges for gracing me with this recognition."

Thomas D. Goldberg, managing partner of Day Pitney said the firm "has benefited greatly" from Twardy's leadership. "He is a consummate professional, and he is always ready to provide both strategic and thoughtful assistance whenever it is needed. I've worked with Stan for many years, and you would be hard-pressed to find a better partner and colleague."

Read the full article here.


Stanley A. Twardy, Jr.
Stanley A. Twardy, Jr.
Of Counsel
Stamford, CT
| (203) 977-7368
Thomas D. Goldberg
Thomas D. Goldberg
Of Counsel
Stamford, CT
| (203) 977-7383

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Elyse Blazey Gentile
Director of Communications


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