Day Pitney Energy Team Secures Important Regulatory Approvals for SouthCoast Wind
Day Pitney recently obtained important regulatory approvals and zoning exemptions for our client, SouthCoast Wind Energy LLC, from the Massachusetts Energy Facilities Siting Board and the Department of Public Utilities for a multi-billion dollar project. The project consists of the construction and operation of a 1,200 megawatt set of transmission facilities that will interconnect one of the first large scale offshore wind generation facilities in New England. The approvals and exemptions were obtained after a two-year adjudicatory proceeding with numerous witnesses, approximately 300 exhibits, six days of evidentiary hearings, and hundreds of pages of written briefs. The approval of this public policy project was important not only for the client, but also for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to meet clean energy mandates set forth in legislation. The Day Pitney team consisted of Eric Runge, Margaret Czepiel, Gemma Cashman, Bill Pezzoni and Dina Goldman.
For more details, see the final decision.