Thought Leadership
June 22, 2023
Need Help Navigating the Alphabet Soup of State Consumer Privacy Laws?
CCPA, CPA, CTDPA, VCDPA, UCPA, ICDPA, INCDPA, TIPA, MTCDPA … how does one even begin building a compliance program that addresses this alphabet soup of state consumer privacy laws? The thought of having to comply with this patchwork of similar yet slightly different state consumer privacy laws may be daunting for the compliance team at any organization, particularly as the lists of enacted and proposed state consumer privacy laws continue to grow at a rapid rate. Day Pitney privacy lawyers are actively monitoring the ever-changing state privacy landscape and developing compliance programs for our clients.
The Current Landscape
Last year, businesses were gearing up for the five state privacy laws that took or are set to take effect this year:- California: California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), amended by the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA), effective January 1
- Colorado: Colorado Privacy Act (CPA), effective July 1
- Connecticut: Connecticut Data Privacy Act (CTDPA), effective July 1
- Utah: Utah Consumer Privacy Act (UCPA), effective December 31
- Virginia: Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act (VCDPA), effective January 1
A Road Map for Businesses
In order to prepare for these state consumer privacy laws, businesses should consider taking the following steps:- Mapping out how and when personal information is collected from consumers
- Gathering information and reviewing relevant contracts regarding:
- The categories of consumer personal information collected, used, shared with third parties and sold by the business
- The purpose of such collection, use, sharing and sale of consumer personal information
- Working with counsel to:
- Determine what state consumer privacy laws apply to the business
- Draft the privacy notices required under the relevant state consumer privacy laws
- Draft the forms, policies and procedures regarding the exercise of the rights granted to consumers under the relevant state consumer privacy laws