Racial Justice and Equity Task Force
Day Pitney stands firmly against all forms of hate and racial injustice, racial inequity and systemic racism. We join the calls from people of all backgrounds and communities for meaningful action and change to address the systemic and deep-rooted discrimination and inequities based on race, religion, gender and socioeconomic status that many communities continue to experience.
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- Recognize and acknowledge the issues of racial and social injustice and, inequity
- Formulate the firm's internal and external affirmative declaration and commitment against racial and social inequity
- Promote a safe space and opportunity for firm members to share their experiences and perspectives regarding these issues
- Recommend and oversee internal and external actions and initiatives addressing these issues
- Serve as change agents in effecting measurable and sustained change on these issues within our communities and the legal profession
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Task Force Members
The Task Force represents a cross-section of the firm with respect to office location, role, responsibility and experience.
R. Scott Beach
Partner, CORP Dept. Chair
Marie Caroline Bertrand
Kritika Bharadwaj
David P. Doyle
Crystal L. Fernandes-Harris
Director of Organization and Talent Development
Nathaniel T. Fleming
Elyse Blazey Gentile
Director of Communications
Shana Gillis
Director of Marketing
Benjamin E. Haglund
Erin Hodgson
Senior Associate
Theresa A. Kelly
Chip Krauss
Chief Operating Officer
Laurie Mallach
Chief Talent Officer
Tara Pollard
Director of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Kaitlyn C. Sapp
Senior Associate